At the moment NVU is not in universe. If you want to use NVU you need to install it manually. 目前NVU并不在universe库中,如果您想用NVU的话,您必须得手工安装它。
- First go to the Nvu homepage and download the tarball with the binary for Linspire in it.
It is made for a different version of debian, but it will work. The name of the tarball is:nvu-0.60-pc-linux2.4.23-gnu.tar.bz2.
Ubuntu PPC:If you are using the PPC version of Ubuntu Linux, you need
to download the file nvu-0.60.ppc.tar.gz instead. Downloading the file
mentioned above will not work!
buntu PPC:如果你正在使用Ubuntu Linux的PPC版本,那你则需要下载的文件名为nvu-0.60.ppc.tar.gz。下载上面提及的文件将不能正常工作。
If you need a localized version of NVU, download the packages from a special page:
- German: Deutsche Nvu Seite.(德语版)
- French: Traduction Franaise de Nvu(法语版)
- Italian: Nvu Italia(意大利版)
- Next you need to extract the contents of the tarball. Start a terminal session. Go to the directory where you saved the tarball and issue the following command:
- 接下来您需要将tarball包解压。打开终端对话框,进入包文件所在的目录并运行以下命令: sudo tar xvfj nvu-0.60-pc-linux2.4.23-gnu.tar.bz2 -C /opt/ Ubuntu PPC:The PPC version of NVU is compressed using Gp. The command to decompress it is: Ubuntu PPC:NVU的PPC版是用Gp压缩的,解压命令如下: sudo tar -xvzf nvu-0.60.ppc.tar.gz -C /opt/
- NVU needs some extra libraries that are not installed by default, so you will need to enable the universe repository in Synaptic, do a reload and then search for the following package: libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2
- NVU需要一些库文件的支持,这些库文件缺省并没有被安装,因此您需要在Synaptic中激活universe软件库,刷新并搜索libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2包文件。 Ubuntu PPC:For the PPC version, you need to install libstdc++5 and libstdc++6. There is no such package as libstdc++2.10-glic2.2 on PPC. Ubuntu PPC:对于PCC版本而言,您要安装 libstdc++5 和 libstdc++6包文件,因为在PCC中并没有libstdc++2.10-glic2.2包文件。 NOTE: There maybe other libraries necessary to make NVU work, I have installed many unofficial packages and therefore have installed many libraries to make things work. When I installed NVU, this was the only library that was missing, but there could be more. If you find out that more are needed, please update this How To. 注意:要使NVU正常运行可能还需要其他一些库文件,我已经安装了很多非官方包因而为使其正常运行已 安装了不少库文件。在我安装NVU时,就仅仅只有剩下一个库文件没装了,但应该还需要一些库文件的。如果你发现还需要其他的库文件,请更新这个HOWTO
- So with NVU installed and (hopefully) dependencies resolved, lets see if it works, type the following command into the command line:
- 这样NVU就被安装好了,并且依赖关系也解决了(希望是),如果要它运行的话,在命令行中键入下面的命令:
- If there are no dependencies missing, then it should fire up the NVU HTML editor and we can move on to adding this program to your menu.
- 如果没有依赖关系问题,它将启动NVU HTML编辑器,那么我们可以继续下一步,将其移到您的菜单中。
- If it does not start, take note of the missing library, and search Synaptic for it and install it. Repeat the above step until NVU runs.
- 如果程序没有启动,那么用Synaptic找到并安装程序所需的库文件,然后重复上述动作直至程序正常运行。
- We now have NVU running from the command line, so lets add it to the menu. 5.现在我们可以从命令行使NVU运行了,那么让我们将它加入菜单。
- We are only allowed to add items to second level menu’s. So this will explain how to add it to the menu. Since just about everyone has an Internet menu, I will show you how to add it to that menu, the same technique can be used to add it to any of the other menus.
- 我们仅被允许在二级菜单中添加菜单项,因此下面将说明如何将其添加进菜单。因为几乎每个人都有一个Internet菜单,所以我将演示如何将它添加到该菜单中,同样的方法可以使您将其添加到任何其他的菜单中。
- Click on the Applications menu, then click Internet
- 单击应用程序菜单,然后点击Internet
- Right Click anywhere in the Internet menu and select Entire menu
- 在Internet菜单中的任意地方点击右键,并选择整个菜单
- From the Entire Menu select the Add new item to this menu option
- 在整个菜单中选择在本菜单中添加菜单项
- A dialog box should now pop up called Create Launcher
- 弹出名为” Create Launcher”的对话框
- In the Name field enter NVU HTML Editor
- 在名称文本框中填入 NVU HTML编辑吕
- In the Generic Name field enter nvu
- 在通用名文本框中填入NVU
- In the Command field enter
- 在命令文本框中填入 /opt/nvu-0.60/nvu
- Click on the No icon area and select an icon from those displayed. You can use the NVU icon by clicking on the choose button. Then use the following path
- 点击无图标区域并在展示的图标列表中选择一个图标,你也可以通过点击选择按钮输下面的路径来使用NVU的图标 ’/opt/nvu-0.60/icons’ and choose ‘mocon50.xpm’.
- Click Ok and then click Ok again and you should now have a new menu item.
- 单击OK并再次单击OK,现在您就有了一个新的菜单项了。 This how-to applies to: Any version 本HOW-TO适用于:所有版本 Created by Louise McCance-Price 创建者: Louise McCance-Price Last modified 2005-01-24 11:05 PM 最近修改于 2005-01-24 11:05 PM