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Installation 64bit users note: there are no 64bit packages in this repository, since Mozilla only releases 32bit builds. For alternative installation options, see here. Old ubuntuzilla installer script users note: before installing these packages, run “ubuntuzilla.py -a remove -p packagename”. Otherwise installation may fail due to the existence of a local diversion of /usr/bin/ links, placed there by the old ubuntuzilla script. It is strongly recommended to make a backup of your Firefox/Thunderbird/Seamonkey user profile, just in case. This is stored in your home directory. Firefox and Seamonkey profiles are stored in the .mozilla directory, Thunderbird profile is stored in .thunderbird or .mozilla-thunderbird directory. Add the ubuntuzilla repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list, either using your favorite editor, or by running the provided one-line command (copy and paste the entire line into a terminal, then press enter). If you are using Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) or later: The repository to add is deb http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main and you can use the following command to add it to your sources.list in one step: echo -e “\ndeb http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null If you are using Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10) or earlier (due to a bug in apt): The repository to add is deb http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main and you can use the following command to add it to your sources.list in one step: echo -e “\ndeb http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null If you wish, verify that the repository has been added, by looking at /etc/apt/sources.list in your favorite text editor. Then add the package signing key to your keyring, by running the following command: sudo apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com C1289A29 Update your package database: sudo apt-get update Install your desired package, with one of the following commands: sudo apt-get install firefox-mozilla-build sudo apt-get install thunderbird-mozilla-build sudo apt-get install seamonkey-mozilla-build All of this can also be done through the GUI with the Synaptic Package Manager, if you so desire. See this step-by-step visual tutorial if you would like to try the GUI approach. From here on, any updates will be offered to you through the usual channels in the Update Manager. Localizations The packages in the repos are ‘en-US’ (US English) versions. To install any other translations: Download the appropriate language pack add-on .xpi file, Install it from within Firefox/Thunderbird/Seamonkey (as you would with any other add-on). Enable it by setting the preference general.useragent.locale to the name of the locale that you want to use. The name of the locale is the same as the name of the language pack that you installed. Restart the application for the setting to take effect. Firefox language packs are at http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases//linux-i686/xpi/ Thunderbird language packs are at http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases//linux-i686/xpi/ Seamonkey language packs are at http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/seamonkey/releases//langpack/ For more info about installing language packs, see this Mozilla knowledgebase article. Removal To uninstall the packages, uninstall the *-mozilla-build packages, using your favorite package manager. E.g., using apt-get: sudo apt-get remove firefox-mozilla-build sudo apt-get remove thunderbird-mozilla-build sudo apt-get remove seamonkey-mozilla-build If you no longer wish to have the Ubuntuzilla repository in your sources, you can edit it out of your /etc/apt/sources.list. Technical Details Repository contents and package behavior The repository contains packages of the latest releases of Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, and Seamonkey. Currently there are only i386 (32bit) packages, since Mozilla does not release 64bit binaries. The repository location is deb http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main And the repository signing key ID is C1289A29 (or 0xCCC158AFC1289A29 in long format), available on keyserver.ubuntu.com. Note: due to a bug in apt on Ubuntu Intrepid and earlier, the redirecting gateway 'downloads.sourceforge.net' cannot be used. On these versions, use one of the sourceforge mirrors directly: deb http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main The packages are named firefox-mozilla-build, thunderbird-mozilla-build, and seamonkey-mozilla-build. Upon installation, the actual binaries are installed into /opt/(firefox|thunderbird|seamonkey), a link is placed into /usr/bin/(firefox|thunderbird|seamonkey), and the same link from the Ubuntu-repositories version of these packages is diverted to /usr/bin/(firefox|thunderbird|seamonkey).ubuntu. A menu shortcut is also created, which places an item named Mozilla Build of (Firefox|Thunderbird|Seamonkey) into the Applications -> Internet menu.
