伟的博客 研发工程师



已经修改好的可用版(还行简单): #!/usr/bin/env python import socket ## IRC Details, change these irc_network = ‘irc.freenode.net’ bot_owner = ‘zwssd_bot’ irc_channel = ‘#ubuntu-cn’ #irc_channel = ‘#zwssdbot-test’ irc_port = 7000 irc_sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) irc_sock.connect( ( irc_network, irc_port ) ) irc_sock.send( ‘NICK zwssdbot\r\n’ ) irc_sock.send( ‘User Test Test Test :Python2\r\n’ ) irc_sock.send( ‘PRIVMSG :MSG NickServ IDENTIFY 80\r\n’ ) irc_sock.send( ‘JOIN ‘ + irc_channel +’\r\n’ ) i=0 while True: irc_data = str( irc_sock.recv( 1024 ) ) print i i+=1 if irc_data==’’: break print irc_data “"”if irc_data.find( ‘!hi’ ) and irc_data[irc_data.find( ‘:’ ) + 1:irc_data.find( ‘!’ )] == bot_owner: irc_sock.send( ‘:zwssdbot!n=Test@ PRIVMSG ‘ + irc_channel + ‘ hi\r\n’ )””” if (irc_data.find( ‘bot say!’ )!=-1 and irc_data.find( ‘zwssd’ )!=-1): irc_sock.send( ‘:zwssdbot!n=Test@ PRIVMSG ‘ + irc_channel + ‘ :hi evey body! my name is zwssdbot! zwssd is my father!\r\n’ ) This article shows you how to make a simple IRC bot in python. First question: why the hell not eggdrop? Answer: I don’t know TCL, and I like to customize my scripts; plus it’s a heavy program, and I hardly need 1% of the features it provides. I have been using python for a few months now and absoulutely love it. Creating bots in python is quite a simple job really. So lets start making it.

Importing the libraries: import sys import socket import string import os #not necassary but later on I am going to use a few features from this With that done, now we need to give a configuration: HOST=’mesa.az.us.undernet.org’ #The server we want to connect to PORT=6667 #The connection port which is usually 6667 NICK=’pybotv000’ #The bot’s nickname IDENT=’pybot’
REALNAME=’s1ash’ OWNER=’ne0n-‘ #The bot owner’s nick CHANNELINIT=’#test198’ #The default channel for the bot readbuffer=’’ #Here we store all the messages from server Warning:Keep the nickname quite unique because then you’ll have to use a method to change the nick if it is already taken. Connecting to the server: s=socket.socket( ) #Create the socket s.connect((HOST, PORT)) #Connect to server s.send(‘NICK ‘+NICK+’n’) #Send the nick to server s.send(‘USER ‘+IDENT+’ ‘+HOST+’ bla :’+REALNAME+’n’) #Identify to server The main part of the bot: Now, we are sitting on the server but not doing anything. To do stuff we setup an infinite loop that listens to the messages and handles them appropriately. while 1:

     line=s.recv(500)                                            #recieve server messages 
 print line                                                  #server message is output 
 if line.find('Welcome to the UnderNet IRC Network')!=-1:    #This is Crap(I wasn't sure about it but it works) 
     s.send('JOIN '+CHANNELINIT+'n')                    #Join a channel 
 if line.find('PRIVMSG')!=-1:                                #Call a parsing function 
     line=line.rstrip()                                          #remove trailing 'rn' 
     if(line[0]=='PING'):                                        #If server pings then pong 
         s.send('PONG '+line[1]+'n')   We recieve the server input in a variable line; if you want  to see the servers messages, use print line. Once we connect to the  server, we join a channel. Now whenever we recieve any PRIVMSG, we call a  function which does the appropriate action. The next few lines are used  to reply to a servers PING. Until this point, the bot just sits idle in  a channel.   To make it active we use the parsemsg function.   The parsemsg function:   def parsemsg(msg): 
 complete=msg[1:].split(':',1)                       #Parse the message into useful data 
 info=complete[0].split(' ') 
 if msgpart[0]=='`' and sender[0]==OWNER:        #Treat all messages starting with '`' as command 
     cmd=msgpart[1:].split(' ') 
     if cmd[0]=='op': 
         s.send('MODE '+info[2]+' +o '+cmd[1]+'n') 
     if cmd[0]=='deop': 
         s.send('MODE '+info[2]+' -o '+cmd[1]+'n') 
     if cmd[0]=='voice': 
         s.send('MODE '+info[2]+' +v '+cmd[1]+'n') 
     if cmd[0]=='devoice': 
         s.send('MODE '+info[2]+' -v '+cmd[1]+'n') 
     if cmd[0]=='sys': 
 if msgpart[0]=='-' and sender[0]==OWNER :  #Treat msgs with - as explicit command to send to server 
     print 'cmd='+cmd   This is the most interesting part, PRIVMSG are usually of this form:   :nick!username@host PRIVMSG channel/nick :Message   First, we seperate out all the data and nick part. The actual message is stored in variable msgpart.   If a message starts with ` it is trated as a user commands these can be used as public op/deop/ voice/devoice   commands. One spesial command is sysproc which is a special command that executes a command on the   bot's system and also displays the output(That's where os comes in).If we use a '-' we instruct the bot to send   RAW data to server, this is quite a handy feature using this you can almost use the bot as an IRC client   well not really.   The syscmd function:   def syscmd(commandline,channel): 
 cmd=commandline.replace('sys ','') 
 os.system(cmd+' >temp.txt') 
 s.send('PRIVMSG '+channel+' :'+ot+'n') 
 return 0   This piece of code takes the command and executes it printing the output to ot.txt. Then ot.txt is   read and displayed to the given channel.Multiline output is shown by using '|'.    You can easily add features to this bot and also CTCP replies but that's upto you.   I know the code is very ugly. The complete listing is on my osi drive :   http://www.osix.net:80/modules/folder/index.php?tid=10807&action=vf
